Life without Social Media….!!!
“The only constant in life is CHANGE, so you have to learn to embrace it”
Life on earth has kept evolving and we humans have survived by adapting ourselves to these changes. Only a hundred years back who would have thought of carrying a phone in one’s pocket and much less being able to see the person one is talking to. From that, we have come to point that our whole world is in that tiny little device. Now it is unimaginable to think about a life without a phone and social media. But, if tomorrow social media websites and applications are banned, we would think that is the end of our existing world. We had the same thought at the beginning of the lockdown, didn’t we? But we did survive and in fact, we did just fine. So we would do just fine, we just have to adapt our life without social media.
Social media has become a part of our lives. From the time we wake up to conversations we have and till the time we sleep we are connected to our lives online. And for many, it is the only life they know of. A sudden change would surely be disturbing but if we try we will be able to live through it.
One of the major changes with the absence of social media will be the way we connect with people. We will have to meet people, talk to them face to face and confront them, which is conveniently avoided only by just switching off or blocking them. Remembering birthdays and wishing them without emoji and gifs is something we will have to learn again. Relearn the skill of dinner table conversations. Selfies will be of no use if we can’t post and we can go back to the days without picture-perfect holidays/weekends and aesthetically appealing food. Well, keeping in touch with our near and dear ones will require special efforts.
An average person spends around 2.24 hours online according to reports. Statistics also report people particularly teenagers and young adults spending far more time on social media. With no social media, the same people can spend those hours browsing meaningless viral videos and fake forwards in meaningful and creative pursuits. Studies have shown that a high number of people go through depression and low self-esteem after looking at the perfect lives of strangers on social media. Instead of making a perfect photo to post on Instagram one can make ones lives perfect by creating small memories with friends and family.
Everything is just a perception in mind. In last few years we have made a perception that social media is a part of our lives but then we survived millions of years without it and I don’t think it will make much of a difference without it.
LIFE is all about experiencing and making memories with our near and dear ones. And in the last hours of our life ONLY that MATTERS. NOT, the number of followers online.